
Single-use beverage bottles make up a large percentage of waste and litter, creating an environmental threat to our region. The Town of Truckee is taking steps to reduce the proliferation of disposable items such as single-use water bottles in our community and encourage a shift to reuse.

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On January 23rd, 2024 the Town of Truckee adopted the Single-Use Plastic Bottle and Paper Carton Ordinance. The ordinance prohibits the sale and commercial distribution of unflavored, non-carbonated water in single-use plastic bottles and paper cartons under a gallon in size beginning April 22, 2025.

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The ordinance is part of a series of single-use water bottle policy recommendations listed below that staff presented to, and were approved by, Town Council on May 23, 2023:

  1. Develop a comprehensive outreach and incentive program to support a reduction in use of single-use bottles, promote a shift to reusable water bottles, and incentivize installation of additional refill stations in the community.
  2. Prohibit the sale and commercial distribution of water packaged in single-use plastic bottles or paper cartons less than one gallon in volume.
  3. Include exemptions for emergencies, social services, healthcare, and other situations that may impact health and safety.
  4. Report back to Council at least one year after the effective date of implementation of the ordinance and outreach campaign, including impacts on residents and businesses.
  5. Investigate options to expand the ordinance to include other beverages in single-use plastic packaging and provide recommendations to Council for future consideration.

To read the full May 23, 2023 staff report, click here.

The above recommendations for reducing single-use plastic water bottle use were developed using input collected via a community survey, a stakeholder advisory group, and a community workshop.

Community Survey

A community survey for residents, visitors, and businesses in Truckee was available online from February 3-20, 2023. The survey was shared online through Keep Truckee Green and Town of Truckee outreach channels, including e-blasts and social media, as well as through partner agencies including Truckee Chamber, Truckee Downtown Merchants Association, and Visit Truckee-Tahoe. Staff also conducted in-person intercept surveys outside Mi Pueblito Market on February 17, where many responses collected were in Spanish. In addition, staff conducted direct phone calls and email outreach to businesses, including grocers and other retail stores, to receive business responses.

Another survey was conducted in November 2023 to get more detailed analysis on plastic water bottle usage among residents. Intercept surveys were conducted in front of Raley’s O-N-E Market, Grocery Outlet Bargain Market, Mi Pueblito Market, and Safeway. Surveys were also distributed through Sierra Community House.


Staff hosted an in-person community workshop on February 8, 2023, at the Community Rec Center. The workshop was advertised along with the survey through Keep Truckee Green, the Town, Truckee Chamber, TDMA, and Visit Truckee-Tahoe’s website and social media outreach channels. Attendees heard a brief presentation on the community engagement process and considerations for policies and actions, and then provided feedback on a series of prompts. Most of the 13 attendees were Truckee High School students involved in the Envirolution Club.

Community Stakeholder Group

Staff also convened a group of community stakeholders to provide additional opportunities for input from business representatives and other key local stakeholders. This group was convened twice, on January 26 and March 8, 2023. Town staff provided a research brief in advance of each meeting to prepare members for the topic of discussion. Members discussed potential impacts on their sector of operations, concerns, and provided feedback on potential policy options. Stakeholders included representatives from local businesses, special events, healthcare, emergency operations, and education.

For more information, contact the Town of Truckee Keep Truckee Green team at Sustainability@TownOfTruckee.gov (or) (530) 582-2928

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